Game Pitch Document october 2017

London Mayhem

Introduction=Ladies and gentlemen be prepared to come across a racing game like no other.  A game that revolutionizes the genre. I give you London Mayhem.


Overview= London mayhem is a game that is available across all systems. Not only does it support pc ps4 and xbox but the game is indeed cross servers, This allows players on let’s say ps4 to play against or with players on Xbox or pc and vice versa on a single server. Since London mayhem is a racing game there will be no unfair advantage to a so called dominant software and each platform will run the same each achieving a capped fps of 60. Don’t be deceived by the tone of this game. Although it is the racing game it is not for the faint-hearted. This type of game is aimed for those who have a fire in there blood. For those who dare step into the world of dominance and destruction. It won’t be easy but it will sure be thrilling. The social aspects allow users who are wanting a competitive feel to come together and battle it out in an all-out event. My dream is for this game to revolutionize the genre of racing. I don’t want people to look at racing games and assume it just upgrading and racing. We want this game to widen to a bigger democratic. We want it to contain the fundamentals of the racing genre but however mix in the thrill of survival and openness.


Deathzone seasons. = allocated amount of  time to grind. Get  your vehicle in top shape to compete for deathzone. In deathzone you race, fight, risk it all but the rewards are worth it.  is mandatory.  


Deathzone is one of the many variety of game modes that are available to the player.
Target audience : Firstly since this game is is solely based online. We find it wouldn’t be suitable for those under the age of 12. To extend this this game will contain blood and graphic images. Due to this the rating would be bumped up to 15- 18 year olds. As I said before I want this game to stand out from normal generic racing games, which tend to

Game comparison​ part 2


Story Concept – Star wars the force unleashed saga.

Image result for star wars the force unleashed


Architecture./ Terrain.

The force unleashed saga is set up in a very specific way. the game presents its self with an abundance of missions for the players to do each with its own story and end goal, making the levels designed very straightforward and linear.Image result for star wars the force unleashed level


Of course, each level is unique in its own way and presents the player with new and exciting challenges. Examples vary from starting in a spaceship fighting of hordes of men in very tight and narrow pathways, however, the next mission you could be on a giant and lush planet full of puzzles and mazes.Image result for star wars the force unleashed felucia

as well as this each level presents itself with collectibles and rewards that the player can choose to search for. These rewards give the player, upgraded force, lightsaber crystals, different loadouts and much more. I personally enjoy this feature a lot as it entices the player to actually spend time searching for these collectibles which thus enables you to feel a sense of completion and achievement. Image result for star wars the force unleashed holocrons


Art style 

The force unleashed was one of the first platforms to use and implement photorealism. When playing the game you notice immediately the detail put into the art style. Whether you are fighting enemies or just exploring The use of photorealism allows the player to immerse deeper into the world of star wars making the game look as realistic as possible. Photorealism is the detailed visual representation, like that obtained in a photograph, in a non-photographic medium such as animation or computer graphics.













In today’s lesson, we were told to spend 30 minutes going around the campus rubbing any distinctive marks that would show well on a4 paper. To do this task I took two white papers and use pastels and graphite to rub any marks that looked good on paper. The end result of my work is shown below.




Mark making can also and has been implemented in game development. Many developers use the marks that they have obtained to portray a certain aspect of the game. Eg: A mark can resemble tyre marks, therefore, will be used as tyre marks in game


The official definition of mark making.  Mark making describes the different lines, dots, marks, patterns, and textures we create in an artwork. It can be loose and gestural or controlled and neat.

London Game pitch UNIT 1 part 1

Here is my unit one part one game comparison  I did where I compared two different games according to the criteria that were set. This is part one as this is only comparing the first game. Part two will have the second game.


Fable saga Story concept- Artists design the style of the game

  • The style they create for the game makes it unique, and contribute to the experience
  • The game style translates the game’s theme and story into visuals which create an atmosphere for the player to enter when they play.



Fable as you can tell from the title is a game based in Old albion ( England) It has a lot of folklore and mystery towards it.

The majority of  the terrain seen in the game is very Nature like. The map consists of vast forests and mountain sides to explore and appreciate. As well as this the designers perfectly implemented many hidden secrets and treasures within the terrain. Eg caves that mold into the terrain.  The terrain within the game is vastly important as it helps shape and mold the game. It gives Fable medieval feel which helps capture the essence and soul of the game.

Image result for fable 2 mapImage result for fable 2 artstyle


The architecture of Fable has a very unique taste to it. As you first start in the game you are surrounded by small huts made out of wood and straw. You live in a very rural outdated part of the map, However as the game progresses the architecture takes such a massive leap in the opposite direction.

Image result for fable 2 bower lake

Image result for fable 2 bowerstoneImage result for fable 2 bowerstone

As the story unfolds and the whole maps becomes available for the player you are introduced to the city of Bowerstone which on top of all the houses and market sits the king’s throne. The architect here again highlights the medieval theme within fable and as the player you can tell that the developers and artists took care and consideration within the architecture as Bowerstone is considered one of the highlights of the entire game not because it’s the player’s main hub but of its vast detail and size.




Image result for fable 2 spire

The spire. Where the final boss fight takes place.

London’s Shard.Related image

As you can see the shape is loosely familiar. Although this game is set in a fantasy medieval setting the developers thought it be appropriate to take ideas from modern buildings


Art Style

There are many key contributors that make fable the game it is, the art style being one of them.

Fables art style. has always been breathtaking and with its more recent

games has become a spectacle to play.

Image result for fable 2 graphicsRelated image

The reason why the first game created in 2004 is talked about and even comparable to some games of today’s age is due to its stunning graphics. The art style wasn’t all too realistic however this was intentional as the developers wanted it to help capture the feel of the game. Fable is a fantasy/ adventure game full of spells and gripping stories to explore. The art style helps encapsulate this ideal by being fun, playful and almost something your would read out of a fairy tale book.


Statement by one of the lead artists of the project”Fable’s Concept Art is Like a Giant Storybook”  

To implement these almost hand drawn designs that come alive on development of the game the developers of the game used a style of art called `Exaggeration.  Exaggeration means that you exaggerate features of humans or environments. These games have become more common after the success of series’ such as Final Fantasy and lots of anime tv series’ getting their own video game adaptations,

Although i mentioned earlier that  titles like fable 1 did not need to be to realistic, as games have evolved over the years major improvements have been taken to account.Image result for fable legends

This is a screenshot of Fables latest installment Fable Legends. As you can see improvements have been made however with keeping the same theme as Fables previous titles.


  1. Character models have been  given major detail. This varies from the models face to the cloths..
  2. Advanced shading has been now implemented on the environment.  Eg) cel shading to allow the environment and character to pop so the player gets  drawn in



Art style influences.

This is an extract taken from a player of the fable games.

However looking at Fable Legends recently and I think it looks amazing, the animations are spot on, they emote perfectly and I love the detail on the clothes and armour.”

As you see the art style had a very positive feedback from fans of the game.

My personal view on the art style is indeed positive as well. I feel the gamma pops the characters,. The art itself is colourful and bright, It’s the type of art again that I would expect from a storybook, which furthermore seduces me to the game being set in a mystical old Albion.






Games design Game Pitch (LONDON MAYHEM)

London Mayhem

Introduction=Ladies and gentlemen are prepared to come across a racing game like no other. A game that revolutionizes the genre. I give you London Mayhem.







Overview= London mayhem is a game that is available on all systems. Not only does it support pc ps4 and Xbox but the game is indeed cross servers, This allows players on let’s say ps4 to play against or with players on Xbox or pc and vice versa on a single server. Since London mayhem is a racing game there will be no unfair advantage to a so-called dominant software and each platform will run the same each achieving a capped fps of 60. Don’t be deceived by the tone of this game. Although it is a racing game it is not for the faint-hearted. This type of game is aimed at those who have the fire in their blood. For those who dare step into the world of dominance and destruction. It won’t be easy but it will sure be thrilling. The social aspects allow users who are wanting a competitive feel to come together and battle it out for an all-out event. My dream is for this game to revolutionize the genre of racing. I don’t want people to look at racing games and assume it just upgrading and racing. We want this game to widen to a bigger democratic. We want it to contain the fundamentals of the racing genre but however mix in the thrill of survival and openness.






Deathzone seasons. = allocated amount of time to grind. Get your vehicle in top shape to compete for death zone. In death zone you race, fight, risk it all but the rewards are worth it. is mandatory.


Deathzone is one of the many varieties of game modes that are available to the player.


Target audience: Firstly since this game is solely based online. We find it wouldn’t be suitable for those under the age of 12. To extend this game will contain blood and graphic images. Due to this, the rating would be bumped up to 15- 18-year-olds. As I said before I want this game to stand out from normal generic racing games, which tend to have a PEGI rating of 3. Because of this, we aimed to make our game more edgy and bold. My personal view of the target audience would be late teens. (page 18)



Character Design: London Mayhem is a game that Will contain A vast character selection. Although this Is a game that is focused on racing we want to add a character selection as immense as our car relation as well feel it will help immerse the player fully into the game. As well as our vast creation mode we can add challenges and game modes that make the game not only more competitive but also give the player an incentive to keep on playing to earn costumes and skins for characters