I am applying for a course in Games Art, in which I have great confidence in my skills as an artist and believe with guidance I can develop them further. I am passionate in all aspects of Games Art. I enjoy the art that is so importantly established within games; the history and lore behind them; and I take inspiration from illustrations and concept art developed by designers such as Hideo Kojima and his Metal Gear series or Sid Meier’s Civ franchise. I enjoy how demanding this subject is. I find it visually and mentally stimulating to use my skills to mold environments using Maya. As well as this the course in its entirety enables me to develop my creative and my analytical skills by completing tasks such as environment design or learning different 3D perspectives. When I look at environmental art from games like Star Wars, I analyse and observe the style and the individual characters shown on paper which intrigues me. Each respective artist has a style of their own and they bring their thoughts to life. For example Stephen Chang’s work is distorted yet vibrant, his drawings loosely show the darkened tones of the Force Unleashed story. However still retains a vibrant colour scheme and atmosphere to showcase that this is a sci-fi game. I want to create a similar effect with my work and I believe this course is the platform that will help me achieve goal. I share a deep love for video games and I am open to learning further methods of drawing. Currently I am on my second year of completing a two year course in Games Design, within this course we learn to animate, rig, use keyframes, study realism and utilise software such as Maya, After Effects etc. Additionally I took a course in fine art for GCSE and the first year of my BTEC. It enabled me to experiment using all types of material, in addition to drawing and pinpointing techniques such as perspective, awareness, shading and texturing. After nearing the end of my two year course I can say that I have imbedded these skills within me and I strive to further improve on them in my free time. When I think about my time in college I think about the challenging projects that were set for us, one project in particular that stands out to me. During the early stages of year two we were given a brief to create an interactive map of Kingston. In this map we were to include hotspots that people would be attracted to, my focus was fast foods in the area. This project pushed me out of my comfort zone, but it was due to this task that I learned about dedication to work. I spent days analysing the area and taking many reference photos before I could develop a finished product. In my free time I work on my portfolio, this hobby is more of a learning extension that I enjoy as I like to go into detail with my research. I study and draw techniques such as 3D animation and perspective, the human anatomy and modern research of the gaming industry today. By building up my portfolio I gain a greater understanding for games arts and the industry of gaming as a whole. When I think of my personal achievements I think back to 2016. I applied for a work experience placement at AMV BBDO, the world’s leading advertising company sponsoring brands such as Guiness and BT. During my time there I recognized the opportunity and how important it was. Although I only spent a week there I learned many technical as well as practical skills, such as working and communicating as a team. We were assigned group projects and I had to work my way around listening to ideas, even though I found this challenging because I am an individual learner. I overcame this trait and adapted to the work demanded, eager to learn more from others. My time spent at AMV is where my knowledge for work ethic stemmed, and where I visualised how my future could possibly be, Working near the city in top grossing companies working everyday for a career I am passionate for, This excites me and only pushes me further towards my goal.

UCAS – top 2University choices and Research



Course – BA Game Arts

Duration – 3 years

Price – £9,250

Entry Requirement – 112 UCAS points

Software that I will be working on: Maya, Quixel Suite, Zbrush, Unity, Unreal, Marvelous Designer and etc.

What’s happening in the first year: We get to learn everything from arts, 3D sculptor and coding to decide which path we want to take. These are the topics that we will be learning.

  • Visual Design
  • 3D Art Production
  • Gameplay and Interactivity
  • Moving Image Culture: Understanding and Interpretation

This uni will be my first choice. I chose it not only for the antique and equipment but the confident teaching and appealing atmosphere, I felt a sense of warmth when attending the open day, everyone there was so attentive and caring.



Course – BA (Hons) Computer Games (Art)

Duration – 3 years

Price – £9,250

Entry Requirement – 96-112 UCAS points

Things that I will be working on:

  • Prop Studies
  • Introduction to 3D
  • Computer Games: Culture and Theory
  • Model Building
  • Texture Creation
  • Art and Environment Theory
  • Games Systems

Solent was the least favourite choice, I felt it be an unreliable school as statistics show its in need of more students, that why the uni is giving out a tremendous amount of unconditional, Although I feel like this I still chose it as my second choice, I did this as I felt it best to have a safety net, in case things go wrong and I don’t obtain the required grades, I will be attending solent on my unconditional offer.