Illustrator. Different art styles/views.

In today’s lesson with Zak, we were instructed to solely use only are sketchpad. He began to explain to us that doing defined detailed images look appealing to the eye however the key skill of drawing in games design is speed. He wanted us to do 15-minute sketches and as I quote he said”It does not matter about presentation, perspective and shading as long as you have a rough mental idea in your head of what you want to implement this image to look like later.

At first, I found this task quite daunting as I thought it was near to impossible to do quick 15 minute sketches that would not look up to par with the previous work I have been making, however as time went on and I saw the work being produced, I came to realize that not only am I filling up pages in my book but I have 3-4 clear examples of my work is shown and completed.

I saw the benefit of this method as I was able to produce work at a rapid pace although it didn’t look as great, I could always improve on it at home.

Above are three samples of 15-minute sketches all viewed in a different perspective required by zack and all drawn in Zaks lesson.

The first image was a top-down image of a car in London parked on a striped road.

The second image was a normal viewed house on the outskirts of London.

And finally, the third image was a high perspective view of a building in London. FUN FACT: the third image was interesting to draw as zak instructed that he wanted us to find a piece of architecture that looked futuristic and draw it in the specific view this was called brutalist architecture.


Zaks final task was for us to go over our 15 minute sketches in more refined detail.

Digital printing – Colour printing

  • Hue Wheel
  • Color spectrum.
  • Visible spectrum
  • Different colour. spaces.



RGB refers to the primary colours of light, Red, Green and Blue, that are used in monitors, television screens, digital cameras and scanners. CMYK refers to the primary colours of pigment: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. … The combination of RGB light creates white, while the combination of CMYK inks creates black.


The Adobe RGB (1998) color space is an RGB color spacedeveloped by Adobe Systems, Inc. in 1998. It was designed to encompass most of the colors achievable on CMYK colorprinters, but by using RGB primary colors on a device such as a computer display.

History of printing. Zack’s lesson.

printing has transcended throughout the years going through many different stages during the periods. In this blog I am going to write a documented timeline of the majority of prints that have transcended throughout the years.


Woodblock printing. 618-906 A technique for printing text, images or patterns used widely throughout East Asia and originating in China . It is the first recorded method of printing. 


metal movabletype printing: 1206 As time transcended and the year reached 1206, metal was introduced into printing. The Koreans creating a new printing method known as cast metal movable type printing he metal type pieces were more durable and the lettering was more uniform, leading to typography and fonts.

First paper 1309- Europe- Europeans began by implementing paper into printing however the first paper was said to originate in china during 2AD.




Block printing 1423-  From china block printing finally reaches Europe. Due to this Europeans use this method to produce books which was a significant step forward.


1477- Book illustration.  is a form of fine art that is used to create drawn pictures and images for books.


Wallpaper 1550 England introduces its first wallpaper. However earliest records of wallpaper originated in italy in 1509




1660 – Mezzotint- Germany. It was the first tonal method to be used, enabling half-tones to be produced without using line- or dot-based techniques like hatching,


1725- stereotyping =In printing, a stereotype, also known as a cliché, stereoplate or simply a stereo, was originally a “solid plate of type metal



1841 – Type composing machine has been introduced


1865 – double sided printing created allowing the user to print once on one piece of paper allowing the user to save paper


1953- New high speed printer developed for computer  for use on the Univac (Universal Automatic Computer).


1953-84 – Early printing era.   The pictures below are a few examples  of companies that were created and spezilizes on printing during the early printing era. Other companies are some that we see today such s HP and DELL



1984- HP creates first laser printer.1984. This was significant as at this time Laserjet became a revolutionary device to the printing world. In many ways  laserjet rapidly became the stasble of printing technology. Not only was laserjet more precise but it doesn’t cost as much to keep them running — toner powder is cheap and lasts a long time, while you can use up expensive ink cartridges very quickly.


1984-2007 Digital printing age


2007- Zink introduce inkless printer that requires no ink.



2010- present New printing age. New printing age consists of phones now.


2007 Is when the first iPhone was released.  The era of smartphones comes to light extinguishing the reason to print anymore.

2010  I pad is introduced thus making paperless life more of a reality.

2010 Old printing ways gets crushed in stocks by apple and there new printing era.

The first 3D printer, which used the stereolithography technique, was created by Charles W. Hull in the mid 1980s.


Stereolithography is largely an expensive commercial technique, with machines often costing $100,000 or more . s a form of 3-D printing technology used for creating models, prototypes, patterns, and production parts in a layer by layer fashion using photopolymerization,


Illustrator leeson 3. Art design History.

Today we are talking about art design throughout the history. we have discussed and analysed the difference between modern and contemporary art design from artists such as Gmonk with his  infamous projects from Tron or oblivion and

compared that work to older projects from designers such as drew struzans Indiana Jones series.



Here we have examples of  2 film posters of the same franchise  although they have been produced at different times of life. The first one was from a new hope made by Drew Struzan. Already you can see a major difference in the posters. For instance a new hope poster was entirely hand drawn using spray paint and colours whereas episode 7 the force awakens has taken the same iconic composition from all the previous films however instead of the poster being illustrated and hand-drawn it has infect been scanned and the actors have been placed on the poster as photographs images instead of drawn on.

The reason behind a new hope and the other 2 films following being hand drawn is that it was simply a different era in time. posters were conveyed with drawings as the technology was not available back then. However now with technology, you can scan and print.



what are posters? A poster is  a large  picture photograph, or notice that you stick or pin to a wall or board  usually for decoration or to advertise   something:




Zak Illustrator hw charector design.  

For our first piece of hw given by Zak we were instructed to create a games character of our own imagination. The picture above was a piece inspired by a character named Starkiller (star wars force unleashed) wearing an unknown piece of rouge Jedi armor. The focus of this task was to create a character to enable us to scan it on the computer and finally trace it onto the illustrator software.