My portfolio

Below are pictures of some of the content that was found in my portfolio for university. I couldn’t add all the content as I have misplaced some of the work due to me not requiring it anymore.

These are the few examples of the type of work I was presenting, looking back I can say I was proud to showcase this work and it shows my ambition as an artist.


To compliment my game narrative I was tasked with creating a storyboard, visually showing how my opening scene would pan out, I aimed to draw these illustrations very louse and fast, due to the fact that this was a storyboard and I am aiming to get a brief understanding of how my game will look. Upon completion of my storyboard is when I could add details to the characters, or environments moving into the concept art phase.


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Unit 72 Story board

This blog will showcase the storyboard  I made on paper, As the storyboard only consists of my opening scene didn’t not fill in all the boxes and I only filled the necessary amount of boxes that showcase my opening scene accordingly,

When it comes to storyboards In general I felt I have greatly im0porvesd since the beginning of year1 as now I am able to locate and find reference images, all points, and use them to implement my imagination and eventually help sculpt my storyboard, of course I still have much to improve on , however I have now been grasping to the fundamentals of drawings and our implementing them into my work such as human anatomy, or using basic shapes as foundations towards my drawings.

Unit 70 Game story development Introduction

Starting of this new project  I will be going  through the brief to create and tell a story based on a game of my choosing, There will be  many variables that I must take  into account to achieve the highest grade possible.



To start with before I can start developing my indie game I will have to do my research, There are many ways I can go about this, and below are the methods I will chose to go with

  • Moodboards
  • Reference pictures
  • References, EG, Books, films, blogs
  • Taking my own Photos.
  • Reference videos
  • sketchbook work
  • concept art
  • Character background
  • Environment lore
  • Gameplay7

By checking off all these bullet points I should have created a structured skeleton to actually begin development of my indie game concept,  As well as this I should remember to reference all information I use. For example if I find a quote on a website I should write who wrote the quote and when it was written,  if I chose to use it

University possiblities

This blog is aimed to help me archive and showcase my career plans after college and what universities I will study in and where.

  • SAE Institute.       
  • course name:


  •   Distance from home: 1hour 13 minutes. Although the statistics show that it’s quite a distance from home, I will still be able to live at home free of accommodation as the campus is located in London which is most convenient for me   Screen Shot 2018-06-13 at 12.42.40.png

  •  Entry requirements  


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Art unit 2 work

Showcased within this post id the entirety of my unit2 work. Thes vary form simple painting turorails all the way down to my final art project. I decided to show them all in one blog as I believe firstly it will be easily assesiple to the reader, and lastly as I am very proud of the work that I produced. (Note: you can find and read annotations on the pictures)


Painting back to basics

image_123923953 (10).JPGimage_123923953 (11).JPG


Etchingimage_123923953 (12).JPG


Art techniquesIMG_5787 (1).jpeg


Color Theory IMG_5788 (1).jpegIMG_5789.jpegIMG_5791.jpegIMG_5790.jpeg


Abstract art/complementary colors



Abstract design 1


Abstract design 2


Andre Derain Barges on the Thames


Wallace Sewell artist research 


Ferrari project reaserch


Unit 2 Evaluation


Color theory part 2


Unit 2 final project


Colour theory Art

For today’s homework, we were required to go home and research the theory of colour. This includes knowledge of primary secondary and tertiary colours. The research I achieved allowed for to understand the basics of the colour wheel and by learn ing the theory of colour I can apply what I have learnt into my practical lessons

As well as this I also did some additional research on the emotions of colours. After researching the theory of colours I became fascinated by the concept and required more knowledge on the subject. I learnt from my studies that there are many l colours that represent different emotions. An example may be that BROWN suggest stability and masculine qualities. I am proud that I decided to research further into colours as I believe the more research is achieved the better your work will be.

Painting Back to basics.

In today’s lesson back we began our unit two work this time focusing a lot on acrylic paint. Throughout this unit, we are expected to learn how to paint properly, mix colours appropriately, know the correct terms of colours and many more. Personally, I am eager to explore this unit and excited to see what I can produce under Simons tutelage.

In Today’s lesson, we were given a set of fruit to draw and paint. As it was our first lesson Simon wanted to evaluate our painting skills and give us a way to ease into the art of painting. Upon the completion of the drawings, Simon wanted us to paint the colours we see. For example, he wanted us to add shadows where its necessary. As well as this he also instructed us to be smart with our colours. He didn’t give us green paint to paint Brussel sprouts. He would give us a set of colours and from those colours, we learnt to blend and mix to create the desired colours.

At first, I thought this task quite daunting as I hadn’t used paint in a while. However, as The lesson progressed I started getting more competent with my colours and became very expressive with the colours I blend and use. By blending grey yellow and white I was able to create a dark green that complimented the Brussel sprouts drawn on my canvas.

To conclude by the end of the lesson I had produced to canvases using a set amount of colours to combine together to create my desired colour. I really enjoyed this lesson as I tried something new and thus I can use the knowledge I gained in the future. As I write this now I can look back upon that lesson and reflect as I now paint a lot more and due of me learning the basics from Simon I am more confident and fluent with my paintings.

Abstract art art complementary art.

For today’s lesson, we were instructed to create an abstract piece by combining parts of our old work using tracing paper to eventually build up and create an abstract shape. I found this useful as I found out that all the pieces of art I create will always be useful as I can reuse them in creative ways such as creating an abstract piece that I personally enjoyed and was proud of.

After tracing My abstract piece I had to choose 3 colours only in my palette and mix and experiment with the different tones of the colour. Personally, I chose blue black and white. Within those three colours, I became very creative with the tones and produced tertiary colours such as purple, light blue, dark blue, grey and many more. I was allowed to awaken my creative senses and just explore different colours and textures to add to my abstract piece which I thoroughly enjoyed. By doing this task I gained a sense of creativity and adventure so to speak. I can take the lessons I’ve learned and experimented more with colours. I can limit myself to one colour and play around with the different tones and textures.
To conclude I came up with a final piece full of expression and creative colours. I am proud of m piece and thoroughly believe this task was a great help.