Final Major Project: Questionnaire

In doing our FMP, my partner and I realized that our opinions matter, but more importantly, so do the opinions of others. So I conducted a little survey to get the opinions of the others on our idea.

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The majority of the people said that they would be interested in this idea, which is good seeing as it means we don’t have to change much. The idea isn’t as original but hopefully, our interpretation can please the readers. We will have to make sure that people will recognize it as an inspiration by including similar, but different features.

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Though the opinions varied, a key thing the people mentioned was that we should try and fit the style, which makes sense. Replicating the style of JoJo will be difficult but hopefully, with a few adjustments, we can make something worth reading. Though it probably would have been better to use a female character as a reference for better results.

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75% of the people said that we should go through with this idea. When designing the character, we will have to take into consideration the ability and design relations. The idea for this ability came from a sequence from Batman where he uses a similar ability. However, the person in green did state that an ability similar to this already exists in JoJo, which means we may have to adjust how it works.

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Half of the people agreed that the important component to a good comic is the story, which we agree on. The story is currently being refined and we hope to produce a good story. The opinions between the artwork and characters were the same, but this shows that they are just as important as the story so we will have to work hard on those factors.

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We are glad that the people decided they wanted to see the start. It would have been cool to see the end of the comic but frankly, starting at the beginning would make more sense. Our only concern is the number of pages we will have to produce and if we have to rush it. With a consistent schedule, however, things may get along smoothly. Personally, starting from the middle isn’t in my best interest.

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Out of all of the questions, this one varied the most. However, the people said that the coolest part about the anime is the bizarre nature of it, which we should take into consideration when creating our comic. Even if we couldn’t make it bizarre enough, we can follow the next best thing and put more effort into the spirits, which are the inspirations from the idea of stands from the anime, (which are basically punching ghosts)

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A lot of the people said that the comic should be in color. Whilst we would like to achieve this, (and hopefully will) we personally think it would be better suited in black and white. Not only that, it is easier to do too. This will also be done in a mix of digital media and traditional art.

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People were very interested in making the comic as bizarre as we can think of. Despite this, we think it would be best to tone down the bizarreness a little. Either way, the comic probably won’t start out very bizarre as it is an introduction, though we hope to include bizarre events.

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Even if the majority of the people don’t understand or know what the anime is about, they still said yes. This is good as if these people were to read our comic, they would enjoy it more, because of the relation this comic has with the anime.

Overall, this survey was both fun to make and very helpful. This has given us a better understanding of what people are to expect from this comic. Not only that but just creating this survey helped in terms of design and layout.

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