Unit 70 Game story development Introduction

Starting of this new project  I will be going  through the brief to create and tell a story based on a game of my choosing, There will be  many variables that I must take  into account to achieve the highest grade possible.



To start with before I can start developing my indie game I will have to do my research, There are many ways I can go about this, and below are the methods I will chose to go with

  • Moodboards
  • Reference pictures
  • References, EG, Books, films, blogs
  • Taking my own Photos.
  • Reference videos
  • sketchbook work
  • concept art
  • Character background
  • Environment lore
  • Gameplay7

By checking off all these bullet points I should have created a structured skeleton to actually begin development of my indie game concept,  As well as this I should remember to reference all information I use. For example if I find a quote on a website I should write who wrote the quote and when it was written,  if I chose to use it

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