Game trailer concept cover title idea.

Game Trailer Concept Art

Here is a basic draft of the logo/ title that will appear at the end of the game trailer, I created this draft by using illustrator, as this is only a draft it is ok for me to use vector based images, which I had originally sourced from google, did an image trace, and removed all the white areas but left the black outlines, I then highlighted certain parts of the character in red, for example i made Ryu’s arm red, Majima’s bat red and Akuma’s hair, this is because the things highlighted is like a trademark characteristic that a fan of either series will always notice first. I decided to go for the effect of a spray painted logo as the name is a streetfighter, it could be advertised on the streets, as street-fighting is a rebellious act which would not be entirely legal, the same as graffiti so I decided to link those too meanings.streetfighterx yakuza.png

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