Film noir- evaluation



Within this evaluation, I will discuss everything we as a group struggled and went through to ultimately reach our end goal of a finished product. That was Film Noir.



we were instructed to split into groups of 3-4 peers, once grouped up we were given a brief and a scene to film/produce. the idea was that between the class there were 4 groups and 4 scenes. That means each group was given a scene that when complete would eventually join up to be one short film. Now that we were separated in our groups we delegated roles to each other. someone would be the actor, someone would control the camera and so on. as a group, we collectively agreed and delegated roles to each enabling us to now start filming. Now that we decided to start filming we had to first find and pick a scene to shoot our story. after a couple of failed ideas and spots we finally collectively came up with areas located around the college that would hold our environmental scene. In total, we had three different environment scenes around the college that being the corridor, Elevator and finally the rooftop. Now that we had are locations we began with filming. Our first couple of takes ran fairly smoothly. The cameraman took many different video angles testing which angles would fit best for which seen, For example, when I was instructed to walk up a tight staired corridor The cameraman decided to choose a close-up angle focusing more on my character movements then the environment itself. We repeated this process for each scene in each location. As well as this although we all had different roles we each contributed and shared ideas on how and where we can film, as well as how I should act. When our filming came to an end we agreed that we produced a product that we were pleased with. We made sure to stay loyal to the brief exploring different angles and perspective as well as adding our own individual ideas to the project.




As I mentioned before as a group of 4 we had to agate roles to each group member. I decided to be the actor, so my task was to act out the scenes and follow the director’s instructions. Ryan was the cameraman/2nd director. He was in charge of the camera, suggesting and creating many unique and creative angles that would further mold our film. He occasionally filled in as the director if our director was absent. Janae was our lead artist/designer. He was in charge of all the concept as well as a storyboard. Obviously, we all gave our input and contributed however the bulk of the ideas were his. And finally, our final member Patrick was the director. He would help map out our locations as well as instruct me what to do and when to do it.



To concludes I am proud of the final product I and my group produced. `Through our actions we followed the brief accordingly and worked well with each other aiding and listening to one another, giving advice when needed.  This demonstration of good work ethic can be represented through the trailer that was produced.

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