Sound design Task 1 assignment 1

For this task, we were instructed to first describe and explain all the samples of sound that we have covered since our first lesson with Craig. Upon completion, I will then compare two different games purely on the sound that is implemented.


non-Diegetic sound: Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action: Good example of this is Darth Vader imperial march. As he enters the screen the music plays instantly filling the atmosphere however neither he or anyone on screen with him is meant to hear this sound Its purely to help evoke the audience in the film.


Diegetic sound is any sound presented as originating from a source within the film’s world. The diegetic sound will be found ion screen in the world being portrayed, An example of this is in the beginning of pulp fiction. The audience is introduced to film with the visual shown as well as the music being played in the background. At first, you are to assume the music is nondiegetic as it seems solely for audience purpose however as the films proceed the camera zooms into a radio in the car where the same song is playing. This concludes that the music being heard is also the same song that the character in the world can hear in their car.


Equalization, or EQ for short, means boosting or reducing different frequencies.


Now I shall go on to analyze and research sounds implemented in two different video games. The keywords I used above should be included for a more detailed and precise investigation.


Game 1

Legend of Zelda

Image result for Legend of zelda


Zelda is a massive franchise that has thrived since the early 90s. The sound has played a key role for the franchise as its music has emitted. through people throughout the years. Its the type of game where the sound is different from the norm and it stands out for the player. EG Zeldas theme:


The use of Chiptune, also known as chip music or 8bit music shows the age of the video game. When this intro was released most consoles and computers were installed with dedicated sound cards only. This allowed developers to control the different noises that they could make. As well as this, however, this gave the user limitations to what they could record ultimately resulting in using digitilized 8bit music.


 Non Diegetic sound.

There are many examples of Diegetic sound being implemented in Zelda. One of the most obvious and iconic is when Link finds an item or has solved a certain puzzle ingame.


As shown in the link (no pun intended) above music is played slowly building up as finally the item is revealed to link and the players. It’s clear to say that link cant hear this music, however, we can and it leaves an effect of excitement and anticipation for the player as the music slowly builds up.



Diegetic sound

A perfect example of diegetic sound being shown in Zelda is anytime Link commits an action. Examples may be when he 

  • swings his sword Image result for Zelda swinging his sword
  • Breaks potsImage result for zelda breaking pots
  • Rides his horse EponaImage result for zelda riding horse



When Link breaks a pot a sound will break out mimicking pots shattering. This is Diegetic as link and NPCs around him in the world will hear the pots shattering. It’s in their world.





Call of duty Black ops zombies


Diegetic sound. 

The diegetic sound being shown off here Is Mason, (Your character) struggling to get out of his restraints. Although this detail is a minor one it brings more realism to the game as sound helps immerse the player in the environment being portrayed. 




This next clip is an extract from the Blackops zombie theme. If you hear the theme it maintains a consistently high pitch with regular intervals of jarring notes hidden through the theme. This constant high pitch sound throughout the songs helps capture the eerieness of the Zombies.

Recent research has shown that High pitch distorted sounds remind us of the calls made by animals in distress.This ‘brings out the animal in us’ by putting us on high alert for threats such as predators. In the modern world, this could take the form of moving to the edge of the cinema seat or feeling a tingling in the spine from video games. 



Comparison between two games.

So after analyzing both games and going through subject terminology, I can infer that Both games have two different styles of music. You have Zelda that has a more upbeat style beat matching the demographic and feel appealing towards the game whereas Blackops zombie a game which is more of a thriller/horror than adventure has a  darker more eaarie style of music, that allows the player to feel emersed and almost isolated when playing, that’s how I felt anyway.


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