Non destructive /Destructive part 2 Content aware

For today’s lesson with Kieran, We touched upon destructive and nondestructive methods again. Were given an old photo of a boy on photoshop that we had to renew, making it look fixed and presentable. Screen Shot 2017-10-18 at 12.42.39

Original image that we had to touch up.  As you can see image contains bent corners and ripped lines. 


Firstly what I had to do to get rid of the tears on the picture was use the spot healing tool as shown in the image below. FUN FACT: If you also notice to the right of the image it shows how many repeated time I have used the spot tool. This effect has been caused by the history tool.  The History Palette in Adobe Photoshop is an efficient tool that allows you to undo/redo multiple states of an image.Screen Shot 2017-10-18 at 13.06.39

Pay attention to the image now. Compared to the original the image now only has very few tears near the middle. The spot healing tool allowed me to get rid of most of them.


This piece of work I completed was an example of a non-destructive image. I say this because I added a layer and mask that I developed onto my image. This allowed the image to be rectified upon alteration if I deemed it necessary.




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