Illustrator leeson 3. Art design History.

Today we are talking about art design throughout the history. we have discussed and analysed the difference between modern and contemporary art design from artists such as Gmonk with his  infamous projects from Tron or oblivion and

compared that work to older projects from designers such as drew struzans Indiana Jones series.



Here we have examples of  2 film posters of the same franchise  although they have been produced at different times of life. The first one was from a new hope made by Drew Struzan. Already you can see a major difference in the posters. For instance a new hope poster was entirely hand drawn using spray paint and colours whereas episode 7 the force awakens has taken the same iconic composition from all the previous films however instead of the poster being illustrated and hand-drawn it has infect been scanned and the actors have been placed on the poster as photographs images instead of drawn on.

The reason behind a new hope and the other 2 films following being hand drawn is that it was simply a different era in time. posters were conveyed with drawings as the technology was not available back then. However now with technology, you can scan and print.



what are posters? A poster is  a large  picture photograph, or notice that you stick or pin to a wall or board  usually for decoration or to advertise   something:




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